Monday, May 4, 2009

My baby girl

I went in on Wed (4/29) for my regular OB appt and told the doctor about the contractions I had been having. She asked me if I wanted her to check me and I said yes. When she checked, I was 1 cm 50% and at -3 station. She told me she wanted me to go over to the Naval hosptial to be monitored because I was still having contractions. DH, DD, and I arrived at about 11:30am and I got hooked up. My contractions became very regular and they started to really hurt. The doctor checked me and found that I was 1-2 cm. I stayed hooked up for about 3 more hours while they monitored my contractions. They also placed an IV to help me stay hydrated. At about 2:30pm, the doctor checked me again and found that I was at a solid 3 cm. Since the navy hospital here doesn't have a NICU, they decided to transport me over to a hosptial nearby with an excellent NICU. I was transported by ambulance, while still having contractions every 3-5 minutes. When I got to Shands, they checked me again and found that I was 4 cm 50% and at -2 station. I was admitted to L&D where they kept me on the monitors until 4 am the following morning. I stopped dilating at 4 cm, thankfully, but was still having regular and painful contractions until some time in the middle of the night. They did give me some Stadol to help me sleep, which is WONDERFUL!!!! :lol Since I had stopped progressing and the contractions pretty much went away, they moved me to a different room for observation for the day. I was discharged at about 9pm on Thurs (4/30) on bed rest atleast until I am 36 weeks. They did do an ultrasound at Shands and estimated baby girls weight to be between 5-6 lbs thankfully. She needs to stay in atleast another 2 weeks!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009


I can't believe that it is almost May. This year is going by very quickly and it doesn't help that we are counting down the days until our next baby girl will be here. 7 weeks and counting. I still don't know if I am ready for it, but there's no delaying the inevitable. Bethany is growing up too fast for me. I look at her and wish that she would be the cuddler she once ways, but seeing her explore and learn new things makes me happy too. We transformed her crib into a toddler bed, which has been a little trying, but surprisingly she took to it pretty well. I think she enjoys the freedom aspect of it, but I don't enjoy having to clean up after she's pulled all of her clothes out of the drawers. She is supposed to be taking a nap right now, but I can hear her pushing on the door. Thankfully she can't reach the handle yet.

I finally had a talk with Justin last night. I have been feeling very worn out and need a break but haven't been able to get one. We decided that one weekend day he will be taking full responsibility for her, from when she gets up to when she goes to bed. I am hoping that this arrangement will help me as it gets closer to my due date, to finally be able to rest and put up my feet.

I started school again and it's been going well so far. I am waiting on my financial aid to come through right now. The first class is about critical thinking and I kind of want to scream, but I need to get through it to be able to move on.

We are waiting now for Justin to submit his package to become a legalman. If everything goes as planned, he will be headed to school for a few months in Oct, and then we will be at our new duty station by Jan. I can't wait for the change, we have been in Jacksonville for 3 years and I am ready to move somewhere else (hopefully back to WA).